从信德风开始, I have been committed to the vision of offering our customers tailor-made trade 金融 solutions that provide reliable financial support and enable them to plan their long-term business goals.
澳门线上博彩公司官网公司于2000年开业. 20多年了, we’ve been providing financing solutions to businesses of all sizes across the globe. 澳门线上博彩公司官网目前在14个国家设有20多个办事处.
澳门线上博彩公司官网为客户创造产品,优先考虑他们的需求. 澳门线上博彩公司官网的解决方案随着客户的需求不断发展.
每一位信风员工都为团队带来了独特的经验. 澳门线上博彩公司官网共同努力,帮助澳门线上博彩公司官网的客户安全地开展业务.
从澳门线上博彩公司官网的团队到澳门网上赌博公司网站, we operate on an international level to serve our clients’ business needs at home and in different markets.
在银行和贸易融资领域工作了24年, I still enjoy the excitement a new customer feels when we start structuring a solution.
其中15年以上是在信风公司工作, and I love the relationships I’ve built with customers and fellow employees. 我为澳门线上博彩公司官网能在世界各地提供的解决方案感到自豪.
澳门线上博彩公司官网的领导团队是由国际贸易专家组成的, 金融, 技术, 法律, 操作, 和更多的. 结合这些技能, 澳门线上博彩公司官网为客户提供全面的服务, 从融资到当地市场洞察.
我在宝洁的经历 & Gamble and Levi’s has given me first-hand insights on how big brands and their suppliers work, 他们面临的挑战,以及他们需要做些什么才能把生意做得更好. I use these experiences to help create trade 金融 solutions that address real issues, 从工厂开始, 这样公司就可以专注于自己的核心业务,实现增长.
澳门网上赌博公司网站结合了全球规模和本地市场洞察力. We provide on-the-ground support to our clients from our network of offices.
My entire acting and thinking is driven by the aspiration to achieve operational excellence, 以客户为中心,持续改进.
与澳门线上博彩公司官网, 基于澳门线上博彩公司官网丰富的专业知识和经验, every client can expect a truly tailor-made solution in line with their individual needs.
信风与最新的技术保持同步. We aim to always optimize our company’s 操作 and those of the clients we serve.
I am firmly convinced that the ability and motivation to adapt to new situations is the value of good work.
My experience as a software developer in various business fields is the tool I use to accomplish our visions at Tradewind.
在Tradewind, 澳门线上博彩公司官网认真对待对社会负责的努力, so our business can ensure an equitable workplace for our employees and contribute to a more sustainable world.
根据我的经验,沟通与合作是成功的关键. 在Tradewind we work together across countries and cultures and I’m glad to have found such a great team. 澳门线上博彩公司官网一起尽自己的一份力量,让世界变得更美好.
Our team of legal experts offers guidance when entering new markets and provides regulatory support for buyers and sellers.
I am dedicated to support Tradewind and its clients in order to enable each and every one to successfully manage their work and business in this highly complex legal environment we operate in. Given an open mind and the will to improve, everything can be achieved.
Tradewind’s strong financials and global bank partnerships enable us to provide dedicated financial support whenever it is needed.
I am eager to perfom each day to serve our company´s refinancing needs. 结合澳门线上博彩公司官网长期的资本市场经验, 创新的方法和定制的解决方案, 澳门线上博彩公司官网提供全球市场上最好的再融资方式.
在Tradewind, we maximize liquidity for our clients, while minimizing trade risk for them. Our team routinely conducts due diligence and monitors the creditworthiness of buyers.
我与信风的旅程始于2005年. I had the chance to work as financial analyst and business development manager. My experience in risk management and business development in cross-border receivables financing helps me better understand the complexity of our global business.
Providing our customers with fast and seamless services is at the core of what we do. We use established and optimized processes to make sure our clients’ needs are met without delay.
My day-to-day duties require me to think strategically about liquidity and getting it into the hands of our clients. I use my understanding of financing to support the businesses we work with in the best way possible.
We believe in solving each client’s cash flow challenges with a solution customized for them, 只有他们. 在信风,澳门线上博彩公司官网不采用一刀切的方法.
这不仅仅是关于提高数字,而是关于做出改变. I approach customers with patience and an open mind and generate products based on their needs. It fulfills me to learn about new industries and deepen my existing experience in international commodity trade.
未来取决于你今天的所作所为. I wake up every morning to support our clients at Tradewind achieve their financial goals. 在商务部门, 澳门线上博彩公司官网通过倾听客户的需求与他们建立关系, 首先也是最重要的, 并创造一个解决方案,以应对他们的挑战.
中东地区首席执行官 & 南亚
My experience in the financial sector has familiarized me with different industries and financing solutions. 在Tradewind, I use this experience to find out the needs of our clients and provide them with tailored support. I am fascinated by all the industries I continue to learn about in my day-to-day as part of the trade 金融 world.
Exporters have faced a lot of adverse changes in the last few years such as COVID19, 航运危机, 政治动荡, 高通货膨胀, 等. 凭借澳门线上博彩公司官网在保理方面的专业知识, we have developed measures to help our clients mitigate their risks arising from those changes so that they can proceed with their business activities safely and peacefully. For myself, I cope with changes by continuously changing, evolving and adapting.
Empowering global businesses through export factoring and tailored cash flow solutions for seamless international trade.
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